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Sunday, March 28, 2010

2010 Top Security Threats: Facebook,Twitter & iPod

2010 will see increasing security threats to users of social networking and media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, a security vendor predicted.

"In 2009 we saw increased attacks on websites, exploit cocktails thrown at unsuspecting users, infrastructure failure via natural and unnatural causes, and 'friendly fire' become a larger problem than ever."

"With Facebook reaching more than 350 million users, we expect that 2010 will take these trends to new heights," security vendor McAfee said in its "2010 Threat Predictions" report (PDF).

"Malware authors love following the social networking buzz and hot spots of activity; that will continue in 2010."

The report warns that as Google and other providers crack down on "search engine poisoning", Twitter and similar services will increase in appeal for such purposes.

Twitter has been a major driver in the use of abbreviated URL services, such as bit.ly and tinyurl.com..........

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